Circles and Clouds

Eliška Mazalanová

The Bratislava art scene is co-structured by artists’ individual initiatives, by exhibitions and presentation activities in private spaces. The aim of the project is a mapping of these activities with a view from the present to the past, with a particular focus on their community dimension, on how their audience is formed and functions, starting from a circle of friends and later taking on a potentially public character. One of the questions raised is of the motivation lying behind these initiatives and reflecting the current state of the art scene and its operation. Do they function principally as a replacement for an absent public space necessary for self-expression and presentation, or as a provider of supplementary functions due to an insufficient artistic infrastructure? Or do they result rather from the artist’s new praxis? Part of the project also is an intergenerational meeting of the individual actors, initiators and their circle of friends and the public, scheduled for June 29, which will enable a common reflection on these issues.

Circles and Clouds. Apartment exhibitions and other activities in private spaces 

meeting and discussion, in collaboration with Ján Kralovič, 29.06.2016, 6 pm

participants: Peter Barényi, Mira Gáberová, Rudolf Sikora, Dezider Tóth

moderators: Ján Kralovič, Eliška Mazalanová


Eliška Mazalanová (b. 1985) received her MA in art history from the Philosophical Faculty of Comenius University in Bratislava and continues in PhD studies at the Philosophical Faculty of Charles University in Prague. She works as a curator and critic and currently as program coordinator for She is interested in artistic production from the second half of the 20th century and in processual art, collaborative practices, cooperation with the public, and the social and political potential of art. She often collaborates in projects with Alexandra Niczová, with whom she has established an association entitled reflector.

Eliška Mazalanová, Circles and Clouds, 2016, preliminary scheme.

Circles and Clouds. Apartment exhibitions and other activities in private spaces, June 29, 2016, © Andrea Kalinová, 2016.