A Forming of Inevitable Blue


The point of departure of the exhibition in the HIT Gallery is the film Walser by Polish artist Zbigniew Libera, which became a motif when considering the concept of a curatorial project by the artists collective APART. Its central theme is the question of parallel history/future with an apocalyptic vision/ the power conflict of man and his standing in society. The aim of the exhibition, using the gallery’s basement spaces, is to separate the strata of this theme, drawing on a variety of approaches to artistic form and content by artists living in countries such as the USA, Holland, Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The exhibiting artists are Mehraneh Atashi, Ján Gašparovič, Floris Kaayk, Martin Kohout, Tavi Meraud, Pavel Sterec and Zbigniew Libera, whose film will be screened on June 15 in the Mladosť cinema. As an event of the exhibition, a performative lecture by Tavi Meraud will take place on June 10 at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava.


The artists’ collective APART was established in 2012, today it comprises Erik Janeček , Denis Kozerawski, Peter Sit and Andrej Žabkay. Its principal content is the publishing activity conducted under the APART LABEL, mapping expressions of visual art in the local setting. It focuses on selected tendencies of contemporary artistic forms, keeping track of their personal exponents and laying emphasis on the building of an archive. The aim is not to map the operations of art in their full breadth: the focus is on new appearances and visual art forms which reflect a personal interest in the given themes.

APART also organises Situations, performative events which work with various forms of temporariness and unrepeatability. Along with exhibiting and curation, the initiators see their activities as an inseparable part of their own artistic praxis based on collaboration in a collective. 


Martin Kohout, Skinsmooth Average Eyes, SSo¥ Shades, 2016, digital image.

A Forming of Inevitable Blue, exhibition in Hit gallery, June 10 – July 14, opening, photos: Adam Šakový

A Forming of Inevitable Blue , exhibition views, photos: Apart

Ján Gašparovič - (4π2) , 2012

Ján Gašparovič - Supernova, chemical reaction

Martin Kohout - Fallout OST, 2015

Martin Kohout - Fallout OST, 2015

Martin Kohout - Skinsmooth average eyes, 2016

Pavel Sterec - Vital syndicates, 2016

Mehraneh Atashi

Pavel Sterec - Vital syndicates, video still, 2016

Mehraneh Atashi - Heating of the universe, 2016

Mehraneh Atashi - You have stolen my mouth, 2016

Tavi Meraud - iridiphores, 2014

Floris Kaayk - www.themodularbody.com, 2016

Floris Kaayk - www.themodularbody.com, 2016

Floris Kaayk - www.themodularbody.com, 2016