Small/Big World

Exhibitions, projects, events
27 May – 16 July 2016

APART, Petra Balíková, Peter Barényi, Dominika Belanská & Nomadic Arts Festival, Martinka Bobriková & Oscar de Carmen, Daniel Dida, Lucia Gavulová, Zuzana Gogová, Erik Janeček & Andrej Žabkay, Andrea Kalinová & Martin Zaiček, Jana Kapelová, Lenka Kuricová, Marína Abramovič po sebe neupratuje, Eliška Mazalanová, Marianna Mlynárčikova & Nóra Ružičková & Divadlo z Pasáže, Jürgen Rendl, Zuzana Révészová, Martin Vongrej
Graphic design: Katarína Balažiková
Curated by: Judit Angel
Bratislava venues:, Café Berlinka, crossroads of Bajkalská and Trnavská streets, Galéria HIT, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Karpatská Street and vicinity, Areál zdravia Zlaté piesky, Fajnorovo nábrežie, Mladosť Cinema

This project is based on the observation that our society, including the art world, is made up of small groups of people, close-friend circles where everybody knows everybody. A few external links connect these groups and prevent them from being isolated. These are the so-called “weak-ties” (Mark Granovetter), i.e., links to people who frequent different places, get information from different sources and function as bridges in the group’s communication with the outer world. According to network theory, we actually live in a small world, where the path-length between two distant nodes of the network is rather short; as a result, strangers can be linked by a short chain of acquaintances. However, even if short connections do exist, for most of people they are hard to find. In order to have many links, a community needs specific ways and contexts in which people can create them.

The Small/Big World project aims to offer the Bratislava art scene a communication and collaboration platform where people can creatively use the benefits of existing relationships, such as friendships, and open them up towards new ties and horizons. While being grounded in the art scene, the project favours interdisciplinary connections and encounters beyond the art world. Bratislava has been understood as the framework or sample field of the project, without identifying it with the Slovak art scene as a whole. Part of the general project consists of an exhibition and events at, while other artist projects will take place in other venues throughout the city.

Talks about Bratislava´s art scene